Quality Assurance for Additively Manufactured Implants​

Quality Assurance for Additively Manufactured Implants​

From powder to finished additively manufactured parts

3D printed hip cup non-destructively inspected with x-ray to detect the presence of voids, cracks, and any other issues

Additive manufacturing offers a lot of potential for a wide variety of customizable medical devices: From hip and knee to spine implants, trauma components through to Patient Specific Products (PSP). To produce precise, reproducible, and FDA-compliant additively manufactured medical parts, strict quality assurance requirements must be met. ​

ZEISS Medical Industry Solutions focus on establishing safe and stable processes with holistic data integrity. Our portfolio of hardware and software solutions inspires a virtuous circle whereby the drive to meet medical industry standards propels your quality assurance effectively and efficiently to new heights.​

Next-Level Manufacturing Process​

Layer-by-layer additive manufacturing enables customized orthopedic implants, but appropriate quality assurance processes are necessary to handle the new steps involved. Manufacturers must test all steps to avoid defects, and ZEISS solutions target early defect detection to save time and money. We work with customers from feasibility testing through to non-destructive inspection, keeping pace with evolving technology and giving them confidence to commit to additive manufacturing in an economical way.​

Quality gates and solutions​

From powder to final additively manufactured medical part – quality gates and solutions
  • Particle size distribution and material chemical composition of powder for 3D printed medical devices must be precisely monitored since they influence spreadability and the formation of defects
    Quality gate 1:

    Powder and material characterization​

    Analysis of raw material


    • Particle size distribution and material chemical composition must be precisely monitored since they influence spreadability and the formation of defects​

    Your benefit with ZEISS​

    • Capture large sample size with powder particle analysis using light microscopy to ensure consistent quality of material feedstock, e.g. via early detection of fluctuations in powder particle size or shape
    • Automated EDX measurements reveal material chemical composition via electron microscopy analysis
    • 3D software evaluation of powder particles following inspection with X-ray microscopy
    • Improved monitoring of material recycling and re-use strategies
  • Color map on additively manufactured hip cup to detect warping of functional parts due to different cooling rates within the build
    Quality Gate 2:

    Post-print heat treatment and part removal

    Analysis after print​


    • Post-processing treatments ensure dimensional accuracy and optimal material properties. Heat-treating after printing relieves stress, with some parts then heat-treated again to address microstructure changes.​
    • Warping of functional parts due to different cooling rates within the build​
    • Need to compensate for build and/or heat treatment with reverse engineering tools

    Your benefits with ZEISS

    • CMM or optical 3D scanners verify post-print compliance with part tolerances and help with understanding how heat-treating address microstructure changes and how these processes influence final accuracy​
    • Dedicated software uses model compensation to ensure tolerances are met.
  • Volumetric part scans can be performed on  additively manufactured hip cups with industrial CT systems and X-ray microscopes
    Quality Gate 3:

    Internal defect and structural inspection​

    Structural integrity of the part​


    • The printed part must be inspected to detect the presence of voids, cracks, and any other issues affecting the internal structure.

    Your benefits with ZEISS ​

    • Light microscopy solutions are used to evaluate weld pool characteristics with direct impact on mechanical properties ​
    • Volumetric part scans can be performed with industrial CT systems and X-ray microscopes
  • Post-Print Material Quality Inspection on Additively Manufactured Implants
    Quality Gate 4:

    Post-print material quality inspection​

    Analysis before final processing​


    • Processing parameters have a major influence on the grain structure for medical alloys and therefore the part properties​
    • 3D displacement and surface strains must be analyzed while implant is under working load

    Your benefits with ZEISS

    • Analyze etched surface with light microscopy to reveal microstructure​
    • Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in an electron microscope and laboratory diffraction contrast (LabDCT) with X-ray microscopy handle grain types and orientations in 2D and 3D respectively.
    • Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) detects intermetallic phases and segregations. ​
    • ARAMIS 3D camera systems promote understanding of 3D displacements, 3D deformations, and surface strains
  • Dimensional control of highly complex 3D external geometries and internal structures/features of additively manufactured hip implants
    Quality Gate 5:

    Dimensional inspection and​ surface quality inspection

    ​Final analysis for qualification​


    • Dimensional control of highly complex 3D external geometries and internal structures/features​
    • Non-contact topography checks must be performed on complex hidden inner surfaces

    Your benefits with ZEISS

    • CMM performs fast and accurate part measurement, while industrial CT simultaneously measures interior and exterior features.​
    • Complex requirements relating to the external surfaces can be handled with light and electron microscopy solutions. Industrial CT systems cater to hidden internal surfaces.
  • Data is gathered from the entire process chain of additively manufactured medical devices for fast analysis and visualization
    Quality Gate 6:

    Process data statistics and analysis

    Process stability​


    • Data is gathered from the entire process chain for fast analysis and visualization

    Your benefits with ZEISS

    • ZEISS software supports central data collection and calculation of metrics​
    • ZEISS ZEN Data Storage enables centralized management of data, reports, and more for light and electron microscopy. The GxP module guarantees traceable analyses for compliance with regulation and certification requirements​
    • ZEISS arivis Cloud infrastructure promotes easy collaboration and access to AI image analysis tools.

Brochure download

  • ZEISS Medical Industry Solutions Brochure Additive Manufacturing EN

    3 MB

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