ZEISS PiWeb Release Notes

ZEISS PiWeb 8.6

New Features

ZEISS PiWeb Release

Increased functionality with regular software updates

ZEISS PiWeb transforms complex measurement data into meaningful visual results. Always working on the next breakthrough, we ensure state-of-the-art and future-proof systems through regular updates of the reporting and statistical analysis software.

ZEISS PiWeb 8.6: New Features

Our latest software update offers a wide range of new features, improvements and additional customizable options, thereby facilitating easier and more efficient measurement processes.

New PiWeb add-ons for ZEISS INSPECT
New PiWeb add-ons for ZEISS INSPECT

New PiWeb add-ons for ZEISS INSPECT

This year’s release focuses on connectivity and usability of our products. Two new add-ons are now available for ZEISS INSPECT users. One free add-on for existing PiWeb users who would like a fully integrated and easy-to-use interface for data upload to PiWeb. The second add-on, called ZEISS PiWeb Reporting Plus is available for purchase and allows for additional reporting capabilities, e.g., statistics & auto-reporting.

New tools for interactive CAD elements
New tools for interactive CAD elements

New tools for interactive CAD elements

The ability to easily visualize additional measurement data such as images, CAD and deviation analyses is a lynchpin in effectively and efficiently communicating important quality information across organizational bounds. A new set of tools for the visualization and analysis of complex data sets is available now.

Improved hyperlink actions
Improved hyperlink actions

Improved hyperlink actions

With the new improved hyperlink actions users can find and navigate to the relevant data quicker and more easily. It is now possible to highlight elements to show further referenced or linked characteristics in a report. This allows you to jump automatically to other pages where the same characteristic is being reported.

Nu beschikbaar in de ZEISS Quality Suite

De komende release van de ZEISS Quality Suite zal voor het eerst ZEISS PiWeb bevatten. Ontdek alle voordelen die ons digitale ecosysteem te bieden heeft: directe toegang tot andere softwareproducten, eLearnings en artikelen die je verder helpen. Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en wissel ideeën uit op het forum. De nieuwste vind je in de PiWeb-sectie van ons software download portaal.

Previous highlights

ZEISS PiWeb updates from the last releases

All ZEISS PiWeb updates deliver significant performance improvements and new features for a wide variety of applications. Updates improve operational simplicity, IT security and cater to individual customer needs.

  • Online Report Management

    With the new web application, created reports can be stored and managed on the existing server infrastructure. These can then be opened and used or modified directly in the various ZEISS PiWeb applications. With Online Report Management, reports can be easily saved and shared via browser.

  • New features for interactive CAD elements

    Additional tools are now available making it easer to integrate CAD models into reports and enable even better better visualization of data using interactive CAD models, e.g. with the new “flat lighting” function, which guarantees stable coloring, or the optimized positioning of features. This saves time and brings certainty when making critical decisions.

  • New features for advanced filtering, grouping and sorting

    One of the most powerful tools in ZEISS PiWeb just got more powerful. From now on, user-defined variables can be defined by which measurements can be sorted and filtered. Further filtering and grouping functions are also available, e.g. grouping of individual measurements or measurement groups in measurement value tables

  • New element for the generation of 1D & 2D Barcodes

    A new element is now available for creating a variety of 1D & 2D barcodes directly in ZEISS PiWeb reporting. Use variables or a text to generate various types of barcodes, QR-codes or data matrix codes that can be used for example, to send information about quality data via WhatsApp, e-mails or to display the data in the ZEISS PiWeb app.

  • New notification features

    Now users can easily manage notifications by setting rules for multiple parts instead of individual parts. Additionally, they can now apply rules to multiple users or groups of users to quicky set up notifications for departments or responsible users.

  • Powerful new data sorting and filtering tools

    New functionality to filter data by using AND / OR logic allows an unlimited combination of possibilities. Additionally, data sets can be sorted multiple times to allow precise organization of data in tables and reports.

  • New features for ballooned drawings

    New tools are available in ZEISS PiWeb monitor to better visualize the position of stamps by highlighting features and displaying the stamp so that users can see exactly which feature in the drawing requires attention. The stamp position can now also be changed in ZEISS PiWeb planner and ZEISS PiWeb designer. New dynamic elements for report generation are also available.

  • Licence-free ZEISS PiWeb monitor functionality | Release 8.0

    The license-free ZEISS PiWeb monitor offers users visualization of reports and measurement data. Interactive elements and detail view are deactivated for this functionality.

  • Interactive CAD tools | Release 8.0

    ZEISS PiWeb 8.0 improves interactive and defect CAD views with customizable template flags. The flags visualize wide-ranging information about measured features. You can now define flag colors, labels, content and connecting lines to CAD points, as well as align and shift flags via drag & drop.

  • Grouped display & filtering of measurement data | Release 8.0

    Measurement data can now be grouped, displayed in bar and pie charts and classified based on measurement status to enable users to create quick overviews like parts produced per shift, number of good or bad parts per lot number etc. The new filter functionality also allows to filter data based on measurement attributes, the status of characteristics, and based on values outside or within measurement tolerance limits.

  • Improvements for ZEISS PiWeb notifications | Release 8.0

    New tools for administration of notification rules make it easier for users to configure notifications for other users. Users also have the ability to manage rules in the ZEISS PiWeb App. As we are still perfecting the module, ZEISS PiWeb notifications and all of the available improvements are still free of charge in ZEISS PiWeb 8.0.

  • Improved performance | Release 8.0

    ZEISS PiWeb performance has been improved for loading reports that display data from several parts with a single, high-performance test plan query –thanks to the integration of a new endpoint on client and server side. As a result, ZEISS PiWeb monitor loading times decreased from 8:15 min to 7 seconds in a sample report. Performance increases will vary case to case.

  • ZEISS PiWeb notifications | Release 7.6

    Developed for our customers’ needs and initially introduced free of charge, ZEISS PiWeb notifications provides active notifications based on user-defined rules. If quality rules are broken, for example if a measure-ment is out of tolerance or trending towards limits, users that subscribed to the rule are notified with details right away. Notifications are also available in the ZEISS PiWeb App.

  • ZEISS PiWeb inline correlation | Release 7.6

    Inline measurement devices and offline devices need to be correlated frequently to ensure accurate results. When deviations occur, ZEISS PiWeb inline correlation calculates offsets centrally and generates a file that can be exported to inline devices. This eliminates the need to transfer results between machines and upkeeps measurement accuracy.

  • #measuringhero | Episode 88: What's new in ZEISS PiWeb?

  • #measuringhero | Episode 75: ZEISS PiWeb Talk

  • #measuringhero | Episode 88: What's new in ZEISS PiWeb?
  • #measuringhero | Episode 75: ZEISS PiWeb Talk

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Regelmatige software-updates zijn essentieel voor toekomstbestendige processen. ZEISS Software Maintenance Agreements (SMA's) garanderen kwaliteit op lange termijn door directe toegang tot applicatie-knowhow, toegewijde software-ondersteuning, doorlopende software-updates en servicepacks - met gereduceerde upgradeprijzen.

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  • Een presentatie van onze experts over de relevante ZEISS PiWeb oplossingen
  • Ervaar hoe ZEISS PiWeb in realtime werkt en leer waarom gegevens van hoge kwaliteit belangrijk zijn
  • Configuratie- en prijsopties voor jouw specifieke toepassing, behoeften en budget

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